Dr. Vogiatzaki is a historian working on the politics of architecture and the built environment in the early modern world.
Areas of interest:
- Politics of architectural Imagination, visionary projects, utopias, dreams (literal and literary), religious visions and space (1650-1830). Currently working on a monograph on an alternative history of visionary architecture in the Enlightenment.
- Archipelagos as geographical and governmental formations in the Enlightenment. Aegean Archipelago & Eastern Mediterranean in the long 18th century. Colonial administration of New France. Caribbean plantations. Indigenous governance, religious minorities, diplomacy, catholic infrastructure, piracy, trade, resource extraction.
- Historiography of 18th-century architecture: authorial biases, challenging single authorship, labor conditions that make history writing possible. Forms of collaborative authorship. Collectives. “Mediocre” architects and the question of “genius”. Who and what should be included in history? Archival obstacles.
- Histories of gender, sexuality, and space. Can we speak of a queer Enlightenment? Female agency in the shaping of the built environment. Forms of female resistance. Mysticism and decreation. Libertinism and deviance.
Conference Activity
Conferences Organized:
- 2024 Organizing Committee for external page EAHN (European Architectural History Network) Conference, Athens Greece
Conference Sessions Chaired:
- 2024 “external page Reframing S. F. Kimball: Historiography, Politics, Authoriality” SAH (Society of Architectural Historians) Virtual Conference, Online.
- 2023 ‘external page Eighteenth-Century Atmospheres: Science, Politics, Aesthetics’ (co-chair) ASECS (American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies)-sponsored session at the CAA (College Art Association of America) Conference, New York, USA
- 2022 ‘external page How 'Byzantine' was the Eighteenth Century? New Insights on the Christian Orthodox Art and Architecture of the Late Ottoman Empire (I and II)’ (co-chair) ASECS (American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies) Conference, Baltimore, USA
Conference Presentations (Selection):
- 2024 ‘Disciplining the Dream: Reading Hypnerotomachia Poliphili in the Enlightenment’ ASECS (American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies) Annual Conference.
- 2023 ‘The Curious Case of Louis François Petit-Radel (1739?–1818)’ ASECS (American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies) Annual Conference, Anne Schroder Emerging Scholars Session.
- 2021 ‘Dreams, Virtuality, and Space in Immanuel Kant’s Dreams of a Spirit-Seer (1766)’ NEASECS (Northeast American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies) Annual Conference (online)
- 2021 ‘Three Allegorical Caves in Choiseul-Gouffier’s Voyage Pittoresque de la Grèce (1782)’ ASECS (American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies) Annual Conference (online)
- 2019 ‘L’ Architecture Dangereuse: Architecture, Violence, and Eighteenth-Century Libertinage,” Presentation at ‘Bad Romance: The Ethics of Love, Sex, and Desire’, Graduate Students Conference, Mahindra Humanities Center, Harvard University
- 2016 ‘Where is Cyberspace? Spatial Metaphors and the Illusion of the Ultimate Display’, Presentation at the Symposium ‘Deception in Art and Aesthetics’, Arthur M, Sackler Museum, Harvard University
Conference Workshop Organized:
- 2023 ‘external page QUILT! Inclusivity in Eighteenth-Century Studies’, DEI Workshop organized in the context of HECAA@30 (Historians of 18-Century Art and Architecture) conference (group lead, principal organizer).
Invited Seminars & Talks:
- 2024 ‘Enlightenment Utopias: Beyond the Dialectic Principle’, Presentation at the “external page Teaching Utopias in Dystopian Times” Symposium, Center for Humanistic Inquiry, Amherst College, Amherst, MA.
- 2023 ‘external page Reimagining Post-Pandemic Collective Pedagogy in Architectural History’, Seminar led with Cigdem Talu (representing DocTalks), as part of the ‘Toolkit for Today’ doctoral program of the Canadian Center for Architecture, Montreal QC, Canada.
- 2019 ‘Eighteenth-Century Period Rooms: Questions of Origins, Authenticity, Curation’, Invited Talk at the BFA Interior Design Program, Parsons School of Design, The New School
- 2024 Emerging Scholars Showcase I&II, a HECAA (Historians of 18-Century Art and Architecture) Emerging Scholars initiative. (online)
- 2023 Fellowships Roundtable, a HECAA (Historians of 18-Century Art and Architecture) DEI & Emerging Scholars initiative (online)
- 2022 ‘Post Defense’, Respondent at Cambridge Talks, Harvard Graduate School of Design
- 2021 ‘external page Bodies of Work: Activism, Gender, Architecture’. Respondent and Moderator of the discussion between Ana María León and Torsten Lange. Event co-sponsored by the Radcliffe Institute & Harvard Graduate School of Design
Refereed Presentations:
- 2022 ‘On Marvels and Stones’ Presentation of Dissertation Project at the HECAA (Historians of 18-Century Art and Architecture) Emerging Scholars Showcase (Online)
- 2021 “A ‘Curious and Instructive’ Map”, Presentation at ‘See/Sip/Share’ organized by AHNCA (Association of Historians of Nineteenth-Century Art) and HECAA (Historians of Eighteenth-Century Art and Architecture) (Online)
Inter-institutional Programs:
- 2021- Session Chair, Respondent, and Organizer for external page DocTalks , ‘external page DocTalks X MoMA’, ‘external page DocTalks x qswg’, and ‘external page DocTalks x CCA I & external page II’ series. Weekly online thematic sessions. To this day, more than 150 institutions have been represented.
- 2022 ‘external page Quō’, in Vesper. Rivista di architettura, arti e teoria | Journal of Architecture, Arts & Theory, n. 6, Magic, 2022, 206-207.
Participation in Edited Volumes:
- 2024 “‘external page America is broke’: Sidney Fiske Kimball and his French Allies (1933-1945)”, Essays in honor of Panayotis Tournikiotis, collective volume, ed. Kostas Tsiambaos, 2024.
- 2016 ‘Geographies of Sleep’ Essay (Greek) in ‘The Hypnos Issue’, Catalog of the exhibition ‘external page Hypnos Project’, ed. by Th.Tramboulis, Athens: Onassis Cultural Center, 2016, 72-77.
- 2023 ‘external page Dare to Know: Prints and Drawings in the Age of Enlightenment’ Harvard Art Museums, Exhibition and Catalog review, commissioned by
- 2022 ‘external page Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (1499) and the Architecture of Dreams’, Essay for Public Domain Review, September 2022