
Application Period

April 1 to 30. Late applications may be accepted upon request, if places are available.


ETH Zurich, School for Continuing Education
HG E 18.1, Rämistrasse 101
8092 Zurich, Switzerland
Tel. +41 44 632 56 59
Online Application

The application process is fully online and processed through the above portal.

You will be asked to submit a CV, documentation of academic degrees, as well as a letter of motivation. In it you should convey why you want to enroll in the MAS GTA, what questions and topics you intend to work on, and what you hope to achieve professionally and/or personally. Samples of work are helpful: if you have written, please add these published or unpublished texts to your application. Letters of recommendation may be submitted, but are not required.


Master’s degree acknowledged by ETH or equivalent educational qualifications; knowledge of foreign languages, i.e. for foreign students, mastery of spoken and written German; students must be willing to attend courses regularly for a period of four semesters, as well as to individually prepare and actively participate in lectures and seminars.