Application Guidelines

Document guidelines for gta doctoral fellowship applications

1. Letter of motivation (Maximum two pages, minimum font size: 10 points)

The letter of motivation serves as the cover letter for your application. It should state how completing a doctorate will support your career development and how it aligns with your long-term plans. Briefly explain how you arrived at your choice of topic, how you are equipped to tackle the topic, and why the gta Institute is a suitable host institution for this research. 2. Projektskizze (maximal fünf Seiten, einschliesslich Tabellen, Bilder und, falls verwendet, Anmerkungen, aber ausschliesslich der Bibliographie; Mindestschriftgrösse: 10 Punkt)

2. Project Outline (Maximum five pages including tables, images and endnotes [if used] but excluding bibliography. Minimum font size: 10 points)

The project outline should clearly present your research topic, key objectives, research questions and methodological approach. The outline should refer to relevant literature and conform to general academic standards. It should contain the following:

• Research plan summary (max. 300 words): Please offer the background and rationale of the project, its objectives and specific aims. Briefly mention the methods to be used and the anticipated results and impact.
• State of research: The proposal should be situated in the context of the current state of knowledge of the proposed topic. It should refer to the most important and relevant existing publications and previous insights that provide a starting point and basis for the planned study. It should also identify the areas in which research is still needed and why.
• Applicant’s own state of research (if applicable): Present your own contributions to the chosen topic, relevant expertise and thematic links between your previous research and the current proposal (e.g. master thesis, a previous article, etc.).
• Objectives, hypothesis/research question: Clarify the premises of the research and what it is setting out to achieve.
• Methods envisaged: Detail the theoretical framework, necessary studies or fieldwork, what archives will be visited and what materials will be studied for achieving the research objectives.
• Scientific relevance: Describe the expected impact of your project for the discipline and for science as a whole (including research, education and teaching).
• Intended research outputs: Mention the form in which you wish to publish your research results (scientific journal articles, monographs, conference papers, etc.).
• Schedule: Outline the stages of the project until its completion as a doctoral thesis three years after the start date on 1 October.
• Bibliography: List the sources quoted in the research plan, using MLA citation conventions. The bibliography is not included in the maximum number of pages for the proposal.

3. CV (maximum three pages, minimum font size: 10 points)  

The CV should include:

• Personal information
• Education including all degrees, with the name of the supervisor if applicable. The date on the diploma should serve as the graduation date.
• Employment history including current position(s) and advisors’ names
• A summary of previous teaching and/or research activities
• Other relevant information (publications, organization of conferences or exhibitions, active memberships in commissions or scientific societies, fellowships, prizes, awards)

4. Contact details for two academic references

Please provide each reference’s name, title and institutional affiliation(s), contact details and current email address. The referees should be contactable via email. Please do not include reference letters in your application. References will be contacted in March or April only for candidates shortlisted for interviews.

Important information

1. Unlike for conventional doctorate candidates, supervision of gta doctoral fellows is decided only after the first year of study. You therefore do not need to specify a specific supervisor in your application. To ensure a fair assessment of all applications, we ask you not to contact gta professors regarding your application – neither as potential supervisors nor to ask for feedback regarding content.
2. No additional information (diplomas, certificates, reference letters, etc.) is required at this stage of the application. The inclusion of material superfluous to the documents or not compliant with the guidelines above will be disregarded.
3. Please email questions regarding the application to